99 indie outfit ideas you want for the indie comeback this year.

I’ve been hearing rumors all about the indie comeback… if you know what I’m talking about you just saw the Arctic Monkeys album cover, blue-toned photo filters, and dark lipsticks flash through your mind’s eye.

I laughed out loud!

But I personally couldn’t be more excited for this trend cycle to make its way back, so here are some indie outfit ideas you’ll want for this indie comeback.

Social media had just taken off, grunge music was everything, and we all were watching our favorite YouTubers teach us how to use makeup to contour our faces. It was truly a time.

Maybe it’s because it was the aesthetic when I was in high school that I’m so ready for the resurgence, but I truly think this is one of the cutest aesthetics I’ve personally experienced. What does indie look like? Simply a mix of grunge and hipster.

Four girls in slouchy cool outfits

Let’s go!

What Does Indie Really Mean?

When we refer to indie in other realms like music and film, we’re talking about independent film companies and music producers. They’re not connected with any major parent company to grant them the exposure they generally deserve or would have if they were otherwise represented.

This is a similar concept to the indie aesthetic.

While “indie” was the big trend and had a specific look back in 2014 when the hipsters were starting to take over, it essentially means not following trends at all. It quite literally means being independent from what is expected or happening around us culturally.

Generally it comes with listening to more of an underground style of music, something that isn’t mainstream.

It can be described as quirky, but it’s less quirky and more individualistic. In technical terms, there isn’t one way to dress indie. But there are certain styles that fall into the category of being labeled as indie.

Anything that’s not considered mainstream fashion falls under the indie category. The world is yours!

School outfits that are in the indie grunge aesthetic

For School

New school year, new you. New semester, new you too? Either way, whether you’re starting mid year or mid semester, you’re fully entitled to change your aesthetic and start dressing differently.

Indie is generally pretty dress code appropriate, so here are some indie outfit ideas specifically for you to create a cool new school wardrobe for the year ahead!

1. Layered Tee
2. Striped Layer
3. Headband And Quarter Zip
4. Varsity Sweater
5. Denim Button Down
6. Flare Jeans
7. Floral Midi
8. Short Sleeve Button Down
9. Overalls And Knit
10. Deep Green
11. 90’s Layers
12. Pink Tennis Skirt
13. Burnt Orange
14. Khaki

Two girls in cool street outfits

Indie Style Today Vs Yesterday

Indie looks different now than it even did a few years ago.

So what did indie mean in 2022 and how is that different today?

It still means the same now, obviously still just means ignoring trends and being the new hipster, but right now that looks like grandma outfits, a little earthy, and a little small town country.

It’s a specific look, but when you know what to look for, you know when you’re looking at an indie outfit.

15. Argyle Cardi
16. Funky Sweater
17. Midthigh Shorts
18. Denim And Silk
19. Layered Skirt And Tee
20. 90’s Cardi
21. Sweater Vest

Overalls are a staple in the indie wardrobe, and here is a deep dive on overall outfit ideas!

22. Cloud Cardi
23. Baby Tee
24. Academia Vest
25. Interesting Glasses
26. Each Of These
27. Colorful
28. Linen Dress

Four men in cool indie outfits


Time for the dudes.

Honestly, there isn’t a lot that’s different between guys and girls outfits when it comes to indie. A little cardigan, vintage jeans, weird tee shirt. It’s all about the same for anyone.

Khaki pants, converse, and random layers are the uniform for the indie boy.

Try these killer outfits to feel out the indie trend for guys!

29. Chain And Vans
30. Layered
31. Khaki
32. Brown And Green
33. Striped Carhartt
34. Tan Slouchy Suit
35. Collar Layer
36. Super 70’s
37. University
38. Cargos
39. Funky Colors
40. Crossbody Totes
41. Knee Length Shorts
42. Baseball Vibes

Women Grunge Style Tips

Women these are for you.

The big sweatshirt is the major key for you. It’s cozy, cuddly, and almost channels the dark academia that we love every fall.

While oversized sweatshirts will always be cool, it’s the big trend to wear a cropped sweatshirt and leggings. Not the oversized sweatshirt and baggy jeans.

Try these on for size in your indie outfit ventures.

43. Cozy Checks
44. Oversized Leather Vest
45. Slouchy
46. Red Suede
47. Large Turtle Neck
48. Muscle Tank
49. Mini Cardigan
50. Oversized Black Pieces
51. Sea Turtle Top
52. Cozy Layers
53. Green Cargos
54. Green Leather
55. Vintage Denim

Two girls in minimalist indie winter outfits


Winter is going to be more of the same and a perfect time of year to see this style come to life! Baggy layers and big sweatshirts are a win on every cold day.

But adding a collar under the sweatshirt or adding some new ways to wear your classic favorite basic sweater.

As always, adding something a little different, a little dated, or a little ahead of trends are the best way to turn a simple warm outfit into something fun and indie.

56. Trench Coat
57. Blue Sweater Layers
58. Sweater Styles
59. Button Up Neck
60. Red And Green
61. Floral Halter
62. Tie Front Top
63. Sweater Vest
64. Slouchy Leather
65. Sweater And Tennis Skirt
66. Baggy
67. Checked Overalls
68. Black Simple Sweater

Two colorful summer outfits


Baggy shorts, a 2000’s tank, and overalls.

Maybe a cute-ugly dress, or an actually really cute dress with layers that are a little off. Summer has so many options! Here’s my favorites:

69. Tee And Slacks
70. Peasant Blouse Overalls
71. Yellow Pants
72. Vintage Travel Tee
73. Colorful Summer Fit
74. Beret
75. Different Silhouette
76. Interesting Pairings
77. Pink And Red Plaid
78. White On White
79. Layered Romper
80. Embroidered Vest
81. Vest Top
82. Silk Colors
83. Slouchy

Tips For Dressing Indie

If the main definition of indie is staying away from trendy and mainstream dressing… then I would suggest doing just that!

Avoid the little trendy pieces and colors that all of your friends are wearing and talking about, and drop anything you see from TikTok creators saying: “You NEED this!”

Keep up with sustainable practices– find pieces that will stay in your wardrobe for a long time and avoid the fast fashion stores like Zara and H&M. These stores may be producing products that are perfect for the indie aesthetic, but overall they create pieces for NOW, and pieces that are trendy. They make good basics for you to shop, but anything that’s attention grabbing is probably too high up in the trend cycle to match the indie lifestyle.

What Aesthetics Are Similar To Indie?

Soft grunge, hipster, moody, different.

These are all words that can help you identify if an outfit is indie or a different aesthetic entirely.

Adding some accessories to even a basic outfit can easily turn it into an indie outfit, if the accessories aren’t something you would normally see paired with the outfit. Wearing something a little different than how it would normally be styled is the key to indie dressing.

A head scarf, a random jacket, anything new you can bring to the outfit is perfect! So if you’ve got some soft grunge outfit and add something a little random to it, it creates something more indie than you had been wearing previously!

Two women in jeans outfits

With Jeans

We know that baggy jeans are truly the icon of the age, and especially of the indie outfits going around the block.

But check out these outfits centered around the baggy jeans we love so much.

84. Pinstripe Jeans
85. Funky Jeans
86. Grandpa Sweater
87. Vintage Muscle Tee
88. Funky Jeans
89. Tees Layered
90. Cargo Jeans
91. Y2K Top
92. Layered Top
93. Varsity Sweater
94. Casual
95. Sweater Vest And Tee
96. Grunge
97. Academic
98. Flower Jeans
99. Oversized Tees

I generally associate this aesthetic with the year 2014 – the music, the H&M trends, and the Pretty Little Liars marathons on TV. Indie can refer to a lot of different styles and trends, but in general this is what comes to mind for me.

The styling with the wide brimmed felt hats and the dark lipstick is a total vibe, and I’m so ready for its return! But you can also find the red vans and flannels to be a specific style of indie as well. It’s all under the same soft grunge and good music umbrella.

Indie never really left us… a lot of pieces that inspired the indie movement are still in our wardrobe, we simply wear them differently! After digging through all of these indie outfit ideas, hopefully you’ve found something that resonates with your closet and will be easily integrated into the new (old) trends.

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