Shania concert coming up and need some ideas? I went recently to her residency in Vegas and the Shania Twain concert outfits were so fun, the concert was pretty great also!

For the woman that gave us, “Man, I Feel Like A Woman,” we should really ball out in our favorite gussied up country outfits that truly make us feel like a woman.

Three girls dressed up for a country concert

Some of my favorite events to get dressed for are concerts. Live music brings something out in me (and many of you too, I’m sure) that just wants to channel something fabulous for the sake of the artist you’re going to see. And in this case, going to see Shania Twain is a great enough reason to go all out.

My favorite concert to dress up for was a Harry Styles show from his “Love On Tour” tour, and if you know anything about those shows, they were like one big extreme fashion show.

Talk about pressure for the best outfit!

Need some more country specific outfit ideas? Here are 27 country concert outfit ideas for you to pull from in addition to these for your Shania Twain concert.

Three outfits for a Shania twain concert

Shania Twain Style

An icon. In every way.

Channel the amazing style of Shania Twain into your outfit for this event. Somehow it just makes the experience that much better.

1. White Denim Dress

A white denim dress with a cowboy boot is truly the most clean and classic outfit idea for a country concert. You can dress it up, bling it up, or wear it however you like.

2. Star Belt

Bling up any outfit you want with a belt full of stars.

3. Sheer And Shiny

Throw this on with a classic cowboy boot and you’re golden. Or silver. I love this look to create a fun and flashy concert outfit that can work for any genre.

4. Feathers For Fun

Someone that brings out the fun of being a woman would so clearly welcome the fun that comes with a feather boa.

5. LBD + Details

When all else fails, grab your little black dress and throw on your best country accents.

Four trendy concert outfit ideas

Trendy Country Concert Outfits

With country style being one of the biggest trends of the last couple years, something cool, casual, and western inspired is the perfect way to create a trendy concert outfit.

6. Rhinestone Shorts

Rhinestone shorts are too fun for a country concert, especially with a graphic tee like this.

7. Denim Midi Dress

I love this look! If you can dance and have fun while looking this polished, I adore it. Dressed down or up, it’s so cute.

8. Beaded Top

This beaded mesh top is too fun.

Shania Twain concert outfits, ideas for going to the country show.

9. Simple Leather Shorts

A simple leather short outfit is perfect for a concert.

Three outfit ideas for a Shania Twain concert

Fav Concert Looks For Women

Every concert I attend has its own style, and I love that about the state of concert going these days. Here are some of my personal favorite concert outfit ideas for someone like Shania Twain.

10. Leather Pants

Unless it’s the dead of summer, a really laid back look with a leather pant is a great look.

11. Denim On Denim

A denim on denim look will forever be a moment.

12. Denim Set

If pairing the blues is tough, try it will a specific matching set.

13. All Pink Cowgirl

An all pink cowgirl situation is too fun for a concert. Pairing different shades of pink is my favorite way to rock a monochrome moment.

While this is a pretty broad question, you should wear something fun that reflects the personality and style of the artist performing.

For example, for Shania Twain, you should wear a country inspired outfit with girly flair. She’s a stunning personality of our generation, and your outfit should be a representation of the fun and confidence she pours into her performances.

It can be a perch t-shirt with a really fun pair of shorts and boots, or it can be a full glittery romper.

Whatever energy you want to put into this outfit is all up to you.

Shania twain outfits for girlfriends dress up at a concert.

Best Shoes For A Country Concert

If you can rock a heeled boot, that’s the best look for any concert outfit in my eyes. But there are plenty of other options if that’s not your jam.

A pair of flatter boots, for starters, a cool sneaker, or a chunky loafer are great ideas these days as well. I usually avoid anything open toed… I’ve been stepped on quite a few times at concerts.

Concerts, while they’re all about the music at the core of it, are really about expressions and feeling like one with the artist. Likely if someone if your favorite artist, you already share a kindred spirit and style with them. So it’s fun to tap into that fully!

And if you don’t, it’s even more fun to put on the persona of the performer and go all out in their style for their show. Costumes and outfits alike, it’s an amazing part of the ritual of going to concerts these days.

Sometimes we only get to see these artists that are so special to us once, so embrace the entire experience and make the most of it.

Have fun with your outfit and have the best time with Shania Twain!

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