Inside: 47 anime inspired outfits for cute character style and channeling your inner animated character!.

Anime is a very niche category of TV shows, movies, games, characters, books, anything you can think of. But the cult following that it all has is committed and totally bought in to the whole concept of anime. 

If you’re in this realm, you know what I mean, it’s a different world! It’s filled with a variety of genres even within its own: action, romance, girly, comedy, you name it. The art within the movies, books, et cetera is another level and has created a beautiful new world and aesthetic. 

Being bought in to this world usually includes it becoming a part of your whole personality: the way you dress, the music you listen to, the media you intake… all of it. 

Four pastel anime outfits

There’s a huge market for anime inspired outfits and how to dress like your favorite characters: whether that’s simply inspiration for your every day dress or for cosplay, the market has something for everything you need to be inspired by the Anime world.

4 women in cute anime outfits for girls

Cute Anime Outfits

Anime isn’t always so grunge and hardcore (though it can be, the variety is endless!) But there are versions of the anime aesthetics that are cuter, lighter, and more lovely. Cute anime outfits could also be depicted as Kawaii, a very cutesy Japanese cultural trend.

It can be very centered around pink and white, and even “pastel grunge” type of aesthetic. Accessories are the name of the game.

Cute anime outfits is a broader spectrum, especially if you’re looking towards your favorite characters for inspiration! Check out these cute anime outfits, some more subtly “anime” than others! 

  1. Character Sweatshirt
  2. Pink Character Top
  3. Pink Pirate
  4. Artwork Jackets

Cute anime outfits can be subtle or can be drastic: bringing in the grunge themes with garters and mega platform shoes that we usually associate with something more hardcore. But it’s pretty average for the cute anime girls, it’s just cute. 

  1. Mixed Pattern School Girl 
  2. Tutu and Platforms
  3. Soft Plaid Colors
  4. Stockings
  5. Cutesy Patterns
  6. Accessorized

Two princess themed cartoon outfits

Themed Anime Outfits 

Just like any other party or occasion, we love a good excuse to wear something themed! Theming events is like creating something magical, and if you’re dressing for that themed event, it just takes the experience up a notch. Themed anime outfits transport you to another realm, another universe with your favorite characters.

Bring your favorite world to life by dressing in themed outfits that showcase the places you would rather be– even if they’re fictional. 

  1. Mother Nature
  2. 2000’s Punk
  3. Anime University

Actors always say that playing roles in movies is so interesting because you get to be someone else, even for a short period of time. Dressing like someone else gets the same effect, just a little less commitment, because you can change who you are again tomorrow! The anime fandom is so fun and diverse for this reason, constantly changing who they are dressing like, and who they want to be.

It’s an art in itself to take inspiration from a character and theme your outfits like them. Here’s some more inspiration to try! 

  1. Princess
  2. Color Themed
  3. Chained Belts
  4. Pastels
  5. Hello Kitty
  6. Harley Quinn

Character Anime Inspired Outfits

Anime characters range so drastically from each show, movie, and book, and of course even within each show, movie, or book. Narrowing down your favorite character’s style can be so fun, and then channeling that energy into your own wardrobe is a form of art and style just like any other! Whatever their style is, it can be yours too.

Feeling influenced by your favorite characters is a fun way to feel connected to a fictional world you have drawn yourself into. Bring that connection to school or work, wherever you go during the day where you have to check out of this realm temporarily. Check out these outfits inspired by anime characters. 

  1. Hunter x Hunter Outfits
  2. Musa 
  3. Giyu

Dressing like a character starts with replicating their signature outfit– you know what I’m talking about: when a character is pretty much seen in the same outfit in every scene and every episode… that one! Replicate it perfectly and you’ve got a good start on dressing like your favorite characters.

  1. Yumeko Jabami
  2. Sailor Moon
  3. Isabella

Four fun character outfits

Fun Anime Outfits

Animated characters are well known for the bright colors and the extravagant nature of their costumes and outfits they are drawn into. Anime is no different, the outfits are so fun and colorful and have a whimsical side to them that says: “I am an animated character, and I am here to have fun”!

After all, that’s the best part of animation, right?

Finding a universe and a world that’s different from ours, believing it could be real (even if just for a moment), and channeling the energy of the universe that makes you feel like you can escape your own. Show the real world how fun your world is by taking inspiration from your favorite worlds and creating anime inspired outfits with them.  

  1. Fun Sweaters
  2. Summer Dreams
  3. Fun Socks
  4. Interesting Fabrics
  5. The Face

Channel all the fun colors and whimsical outfit ideas: the funky layers and the weird pattern combinations and the different fabric structures that are found in anime character creation, and you’ve got a pretty fun wardrobe! That’s a lot of the beauty in this fandom, the outfits and the outward expression is so unique, it grabs attention just for being fun.

  1. The Elements
  2. Strawberry Baby
  3. Character Plushies
  4. Character Costumes
  5. Iridescent 

Two grunge anime outfits

Grunge Anime Outfits

Especially if you’re more focused on the action and academia genres of Anime, grunge is a very common subcategory of Anime outfit ideas! The dark and edgy style of these outfits are cool and whimsical. Add any form of belts, black mega platform shoes, fishnet stockings or tights, garters, anything you can think of that alludes to almost medieval aesthetic works for this look.

Anime almost always has an edgy side to it, even in the cuter versions, but going grunge anime is to channel the absolute most edge and grunge version of your favorite characters that you can muster. 

  1. School Punk
  2. Classy Grunge
  3. Ribbon Straps
  4. Dystopian War
  5. Fishnets and Straps
  6. Introverted

Grunge is an easy target for starting to dress like anime characters. It can be really subtle too– simply taking inspiration from the way your favorite characters dress will probably guide you into a pretty generic grunge aesthetic before adding in anime elements.

Grunge anime outfits are a staple to a character closet.

  1. Sleeves and Leg Warmers
  2. Vests
  3. Sleeve Attachments
  4. Cargo Jeans
  5. Lace Bodysuit
  6. Baby Crop

Anime dressing is so intricate, but could also be so simple. Pulling inspiration from characters could be as subtle as wearing their favorite color scheme or as elaborate as replicating their usual outfit. Once you start though, it gets more and more fun to put pieces together that you think would match the character’s wardrobe! Whether you’re using it as inspiration to create your own style, or you’re getting involved in a new cosplay, it’s a fun way to style yourself and to build a closet.

The anime fandom is so fun and interesting, and seeing how they channel the passions they have for the animated worlds drawn before them is so exciting. How do you express your love for this Japanese art culture?

Take inspiration from here and start dressing like your favorite anime characters!

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